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Say Goodbye to Cravings: Natural Appetite Suppressants That Actually Work

Ryan Fritz

The number one reason people struggle with weight loss is their diet.

Why? It is truly a million dollar question.

Some get bored with their food choices, lack of progress, and daily routine, and simply revert to their old habits. Others get thrown off course by a holiday, vacation, unplanned restaurant outing and never pull themselves back.


And some try to lose weight too fast and end up running into a dead end of low-energy, irritability, hunger, and obsessive thoughts about food that causes them to binge and gain back much of the weight they lost.


While those first two obstacles may be relatively easy to solve, it’s the last one that’s often problematic.

Weight loss requires a steady calorie deficit, and people have no trouble doing so for a few days or weeks, but lack the ability to stick to it for longer.


And the key issue here is hunger.


There’s a lot you can do to counter hunger – eating more protein and fibrous fruits and vegetables, eating less processed foods, and of course exercising. But one of the things you can do to avoid being harried by hunger is taking natural suppressants.


Now, appetite suppressant generally have a bad rap, and understandably so. Many harsh weight loss drugs like Ozempic work partially, since they suppress appetite but also potentially induce strong and permanent side effects.


That said, it would be unfair to paint all appetite suppressant with the same brush.


There are healthy, effective, natural appetite suppressants that can help you curb hunger and cravings without compromising your health.


And by the end of today’s blog, you’ll know everything important about natural appetite suppressants and how to use them! Just keep reading!


What Exactly Are Natural Appetite Suppressants?


Natural appetite suppressants are foods and herbs that can help reduce your hunger, curb cravings, and keep you feeling full for longer. These can be easily used to support your weight loss journey without the necessity of extreme diets and harmful prescription drugs.


Unlike their synthetic version, natural appetite suppressants work gently, enhancing your natural ability to manage hunger signals without causing harmful side effects. The best part? Many of these appetite-suppressing foods and herbs come with additional health benefits beyond just helping your curb cravings.


But before we get into the specifics, let’s first talk about why they work.


Why Do Natural Appetite Suppressants Work?


Hunger is a bit of a complicated process. It’s regulated by hormones like gherlin (which tell your brain you’re hungry) and leptin (which signals that you’re full). When these hormones are out of balance, a constant feeling of hunger emerges, even when you’ve eaten enough.


Natural appetite suppressants work by:


- Balancing blood sugar levels: Fluctuating blood sugar can trigger hunger and cravings, especially for sugary, processed foods. By stabilizing your blood sugars, you can avoid these strong hunger pangs.


- Increasing satiety: Some appetite suppressants can help you feel fuller faster, allowing you to eat less and still feel satisfied.


- Promoting healthy digestion: Foods which take longer to digest (like the ones high in fiber or protein) tend to keep you full for longer.


- Supporting hormone balance: Certain foods help regulate the hormones involved in hunger, preventing sudden spikes in appetite.


Now, that we have covered the basics, let’s explore some of the best natural appetite suppressants that can help you control cravings and support weight loss!


Top Natural Appetite Suppressants Available




1. Konjac Root (Glucomannan)


Glucomannan is a natural, water-soluble fiber derived from the root of the konjac plant. It is proven to have an immense ability to absorb water and expand in the stomach, helping you feel fuller for longer. When consumed before meals, it can truly help reduce hunger, leading to smaller portions and fewer cravings.


This appetite suppressant is best used in supplement form as a powder that can be added to smoothies or shakes. It’s also found in shirataki noodles, a popular low-calorie, high-fiber food option.


How to Use: Take konjac root before meals, ideally 30 minutes prior to eating, with a full glass of water.


2. Cayenne Pepper


Often found in spicy foods, cayenne pepper contains a compound called capsaicin that has been shown to reduce appetite and increase metabolism. Capsaicin helps reduce feelings of hunger by promoting the release of certain hormones that make you feel full.


In addition to curbing cravings, cayenne pepper may help you burn more calories, which can further aid with weight loss. It can also promote digestion and reduce bloating.


How to Use: Sprinkle cayenne pepper over your meals or mix a small amount into water with lemon and honey for a metabolism-boosting hack.


3. Green Tea Extract


Green tea extract is filled with catechins and caffeine, which work together to enhance fat burning and suppress appetite. Several studies have shown that green tea can help reduce hunger and increase fat loss by promoting thermogenesis, the process your body uses to convert fat into energy.


The caffeine in green tea also acts as a mild stimulant, providing an energy boost, helping you stay active throughout the day, reducing the chances of snacking out of boredom.


How to Use: Drink 2-3 cups of green tea daily or take green tea extract supplements as directed.


4. Apple Cider Vinegar


ACV has been used for centuries as a natural remedy for various health ailments, and one of its many benefits is its appetite-suppressing qualities. The acetic acid in apple cider vinegar can help regulate blood sugar levels and increase feelings of fullness.


It’s very effective in reducing the spikes and crashes in blood sugar that can lead to hunger cravings. Consuming apple cider vinegar before meals may help you control portions and prevent overeating.


How to Use: Mix 1-2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water before meals. You can also add it to salad dressings and smoothies.


5. Chia Seeds


Are an excellent source of fiber and omega-3 fatty acids, which can help reduce appetite and promote a feeling of fullness. When mixed with water, chia seeds form a gel-like consistency, which expands in your stomach, keeping you full for longer.


The fiber in chia seeds also aids in digestion, prevents bloating, and helps maintain stable blood sugar levels. With their high-water absorption capacity, chia seeds are an easy, natural way to fight hunger.


How to Use: Add 1-2 tablespoons of chia seeds to smoothies, oatmeal or yoghurt. Always use some form of liquid, never eat dry chia seeds!


6. Protein-Rich Foods


Including more protein in your diet is one of the most efficient ways to naturally suppress appetite. Protein has been proven to reduce gherlin (the hunger hormone) and increase feelings of fullness. Foods such as lean meats, eggs, tofu, beans, and Greek yoghurt are all rich in protein and can fight of hunger pangs.

How to Use: Include a source of protein in every meal and snack, aiming for around 20-30 grams per meal.


How to Use Natural Appetite Suppressants Safely


While natural appetite suppressants can be very helpful in fighting weight loss, it’s important to note that you should use them properly. Here are a few tips for incorporating them into your routine:


- Always Stay Hydrated: Many natural appetite suppressants, like konjac root and chia seeds, work best when consumed with plenty of water. Staying hydrated by itself also helps reduce hunger and overeating.


- Don’t rely solely on appetite suppressants: These supplements should be used to support a healthy diet, not replace it. Focus on whole, nutritious foods and engage in regular physical activity for optimal results.


- Listen to your body: If you feel excessively full or uncomfortable after using an appetite suppressant, stop using it and reassess your dosage. Use appetite suppressants in moderation.




Hunger doesn’t have to impact your weight loss progress. With the help of natural appetite suppressants, you can manage cravings, curb your hunger, and stay on track without feeling deprived.

Remember, the key to long-term success is balance – combining these natural appetite suppressants with a healthy, sustainable diet and active lifestyle will help you achieve your weight loss goals more effectively.


Use the tips outlined in today’s blog and see which appetite suppressants work best for you. And always consults with a healthcare provider if you’re unsure about introducing any new supplements into your routine.


Stay focused, healthy, and say goodbye to those pesky cravings!


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